Atlas was a Greek god who was condemned to hold the world upon his shoulders. Have you ever felt that way? In this message you'll discover the prophetic promise delivered…
Where did Thanksgiving come from? Did it start with the pilgrims, or does it go back even further? This special message will take to back to the beginning of Thanksgiving,…
In our obedience, sometimes we get off track with what it means to be a Christian. In this sobering message, Jesus reminds us a cross waits for those who will…
We don't like uncertainty. We don't like it when we don't know what happened, what is happening, or what is going to happen. In these times, we fall back on what we…
When we ask for something in prayer, there are two answers: yes or no. When Christ says that He will give us what we ask for in His name, what…
What does God have to say about Election day, 2020? Let the prophetic word of Scripture speak for itself.
Christians either think that demons are rare phenomenon found in ancient Bible stories, or are pesky meddlers behind every stubbed toe. Where's the Biblical balance? In this dire message, we look at…
Where is your faith? Is it in health, wealth, or relationships? If so, what happens when those things are threatened? This formidable message will rock your boat! Jesus wants you to…
Who would wire their house with the light fixtures on the floor? Who would try to put the sun under a coffee table? Christians would. In this challenging message, you realize…
A Christian is given one seed - the message of the Gospel. But there are different soils that the seeds falls on. In this comprehensive sermon, you'll become aware of…