The trials and difficulties of life are the like faces of the moon. Sometimes the moon is a silver sliver and we struggle with circumstantial inconveniences. Sometimes the moon is…
Dreams are curious things. Sometimes they are the leftover effects of last night's supper. Sometimes they are revelation's of one's subconscious. Sometimes they are the battleground for spiritual attacks. In…
When life's uncertainties disturb us, to whom shall we go for help? Nebuchadnezzar had disturbing dreams. He needed help. He needed answers. Tune into find out where he went, and…
Is it possible to live your Christian life with the label "blameless"? Does that mean you have to be perfect? Or is it possible to live in harmony with God's…
How can we survive in a world of seduction? This was a question that the boy Daniel had to ask. Unlike Assyria that was notorious for their destruction of a…
As we begin a study in Daniel, we will need to ensure that we are viewing life through the right lens. One lens we would see is the lens of…