Have you ever felt like you ought not to pray? Have you ever felt like you wanted to lose heart? Well, the Bible tells us in Luke 18:1, "Then He…
We have been living through a very difficult time. In major cities, crime is at an all-time high. Across the world, natural disasters are striking - hurricanes in the Gulf,…
Have you ever seen yourself as a leper? Most people think that they're okay. Why? Because everyone's got the disease, so nobody thinks anything is wrong with themselves or anybody…
There's a time to confront, and a time to forgive. Confrontation and forgiveness have their proper places. If we forget to forgive, we can become cold-hearted. If we forgive to…
Ever have a reality check? You're going through life and then suddenly reality hits you, and you realize that changes need to be made in your life. Well, the Bible…
When a sheep wanders from following the shepherd, it becomes lost both in direction and dignity. It doesn't know where it's supposed to go, and it can't serve the purpose…
Should we raise hands when we sing? Should we kneel when we pray? Should we shout, "Amen!" when the Word is being preached? In our day, we can easily become…
In our lives, is Jesus Christ suppressed? Or, is Jesus Christ supreme? If He is supreme, than all our relationships, ambitions, commitments, and even our own selves are owned by,…
Everyone loves receiving a good invitation. Right now, God is extending the greatest invitation to the world. But, when the time comes, are we going to excuse ourselves? In this…
Our modern American minds don't quite connect with the concept of a "kingdom". Yet the Bible is replete with descriptions of a Kingdom of God. What kind of a Kingdom…