During Veterans Day, we think of those who made the sacrifice to serve this beloved country to preserve our freedoms. The term "veteran" means not only a soldier who served…
Mankind desires greatness. This has been the case since the Fall. As Satan said, "God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and…
Do you believe that someday you will meet Jesus Christ? Either you will stand in front of Him when you die or He will come back to this world while…
The world asks, "What right does Jesus have to claim absolute authority over the world?" Even religious leaders have a difficult time embracing the authority of Christ. By and large,…
Jesus expresses emotions perfectly. Sadness and anger are emotions that the world tries to bury in a pile of "positive-thinking" vibes. These emotions are not bad, but need to be…
When the church starts reclining, the world starts declining. We've got work to do, and the work is not over until God says so. After this life is over, don't…
Is it people with piety? Is it people with position? Is it people with possessions? What qualifications does a person need in order to be saved? In this crucial message,…
Have you ever felt like you ought not to pray? Have you ever felt like you wanted to lose heart? Well, the Bible tells us in Luke 18:1, "Then He…
We have been living through a very difficult time. In major cities, crime is at an all-time high. Across the world, natural disasters are striking - hurricanes in the Gulf,…
Have you ever seen yourself as a leper? Most people think that they're okay. Why? Because everyone's got the disease, so nobody thinks anything is wrong with themselves or anybody…