What are we here for? After laying the foundation that we gather as a Christian people to "Exalt the Lord", we turn to the second hallway in the house of…
Why did Jesus walk this earth for forty days between His resurrection and ascension? What can we learn from this period? Tune in to hear how Jesus wants to strengthen…
When we realize that the teachings of Christ are not popular in our world, will we still follow Him? Will we change His words to suit our tastes? Will we…
When things don't go our way, our hearts tend to grow cold in our affections to God. On the road to Emmaus, the disciples experienced a revival of heart that…
In our lives, is Jesus Christ suppressed? Or, is Jesus Christ supreme? If He is supreme, than all our relationships, ambitions, commitments, and even our own selves are owned by,…
A believer's success as a Christian will never exceed their prayer life. Need help in your prayer life? You are not alone. The disciples asked Jesus, "Lord, teach us to…
In the last message of The Duty of a Disciple, discover the freeing experience it is to be a follower of Christ, but also learn that rejection, persecution, and trials…
In our obedience, sometimes we get off track with what it means to be a Christian. In this sobering message, Jesus reminds us a cross waits for those who will…
In this challenging message, you'll be confronted with a disciple's decision: "Will I follow Rabbi Yeshua, or will I forsake Him?" We often hear the call to be a faithful Christian, but we…
We forget that blizzards are the result of individual snowflakes. We forget that deserts are the collection of individual grains of sand. In this encouraging message, we are reminded that…